This past month has been crazy amazing as I have celebrated
my 21st Birthday! I actually can’t believe I am 21. When you turn 13
you become a teenager, at 16 you can buy a lottery ticket, at 17 you can start
to drive, turning 18 means you can legally drink and go clubbing however 21 is
weird as it is a milestone birthday but nothing really comes with it in the UK.
Yet I do feel different like I had done at all the other milestone birthdays.
Turning 21 makes me feel as though I am now an official
adult as I enter a different level of maturity. A lot of my friends weren’t or
aren’t looking forward to turning 21. They didn’t like the idea of being an
adult of having to be more responsible. But who says you have to be boring at
the age of 21, who says being an adult means you can party, drink and have fun
with friends. Before the day came, I was a little worried as I had only heard
these negative views on turning 21 from those around me. However, I found I was
more excited and now having turned 21 I can’t wait to see what this next step
in life brings. I am soon to finish university, am now classed as more of an
adult and I am thinking a lot into the future but can’t wait to start looking
for jobs, housing and my life after university as an adult!
Last year, one of my friends wrote a blog post for our
university when she turned 18 which was 18 lessons she had learnt over the past
18 years. I really loved this concept and thought I could share with you some
of the lessons I have learnt during my 21 years of life so far. So, here are my
21 lessons from 21 years of experience:
Be kind to your family - I am very much a family
orientated person and I am very lucky in that I know they will be there for me no
matter what! So, I think it is very important to be kind and respect your family.
Anger isn’t worth it - I am not one to get angry
often as quite honestly I don’t see the point. If anything, anger makes a
situation far worse than it has to be.
Remember the complements, forget the insults -
This one can be tough sometimes, but I think now a days it is so important we
support one another. Insults are often made by those who are jealous or those
who would never say it to your face! So who cares what they think. Dwelling on
the negatives is easily done but can be unhealthy, so I think it is better if
we try and hold onto the positives.
It’s the little things - Little things like
saying thank you, or smiling or even holding the door for someone can make a
huge difference to someone’s day. I know when I am having a rubbish day, little
acts of kindness make all the difference.
Don’t worry about the future - I have only
recently learnt this lesson. Sometimes if you worry too much and try and plan too
far ahead, it won’t work and your future may remain blank for a while. What
will be, will be, don’t worry about it!
Everything happens for a reason - This kind of
links with lesson 5 but it is something I am a huge believer of! Whether it is
good or bad it all happens for a reason! So although something may seem bad at
the time, in the future it could be the best thing that happened to you!
It’s okay not to be okay - Again, this is a
lesson I have learnt over the past year. Everyone has their down days, weeks or
months and that is okay! You don’t have to keep a smile all the time! Chances
are there is someone else in the world who is feeling the exact same thing!
Being in a relationship isn’t everything - Most
people think only single people say this! But I have heard many who are in a relationship
say this. There are more important things in life than being in a relationship.
So, don’t get hung up on being single and remember everything happens for a reason
so Mr Right could be just around the corner!
Live each day as though it’s your last - I have felt
myself taking in every aspect of the day since blogging. It sounds weird but I
feel more aware of every sound, image or touch and want to take it all in and
cherish it as though I will never relive it again. By following this lesson, I
feel I have enjoyed each day more whether it is good or bad.
10. It’s
not what you know, it’s who you know - This is another lesson I have learnt
more since coming to university. Yes, I have learnt so much since going to
university but I have met so many amazing people and in some ways I have learnt
even more from them! I also feel this lesson is especially true when it comes
to looking for work.
11. Friendship
is complicated - Not all friendships are going to be straight forward. People
change and with that so does friendship. Trust me, I know it can be hard. I
have lost friends, seen them change and had people I thought were friends turn
out to be the complete opposite. But unfortunately that is one of the lessons
in life we have to learn. Although I am aware of this now, I still haven’t
learnt how to fully deal with it and at times it can be hard. But that lesson
may be learnt in time.
12. Treat
others how you wish to be treated - I have always tried to live by this rule
since we were taught it in school. At times I have found it hard, as people don’t
always treat you the same, especially when it comes to friendships. But at
least I can say it is something I do.
13. Not
everyone does things the way you do - This links in with the previous lesson.
But since coming to university and meeting more people, it is even clearer that
not everyone is the same. There is nothing wrong with doing things differently,
however I know with some things such as
cleaning some people like to keep things tidy and others don’t which can
be difficult at times.
14. Hard
work pays off in the end - This is true in many aspects. I have seen it at the
end of most months when getting paid from work after doing crazy hours! I have
felt it when getting a good grade back after spending weeks stressing over an
assignment and even things like a good gym work out can have results in the end.
15. Don’t
be afraid to let your imagination run wild - I have always been told I have
such a good imagination. I think this should be something everyone feels they
can do. However, I do find it leads me to overthink everything as I imagine
every possible scenario.
16. Thoughts
aren’t real - This one is another I have recently learnt ad in some way still
trying to get my head around. Just because you think it doesn’t mean it is
real. For example, just because you think someone doesn’t like you doesn’t make
it so. Or just because you think you have weird hair doesn’t mean you do.
17. It’s
okay to be selfish sometimes - I’d say I learnt this when I turned 18 and it is
probably one of my favourite rules. You have to think about yourself every now
and then and that is okay, it is your life and you deserve to make it how you
want. Don’t let anyone else stand in the way.
18. Take
a chance - You never know where it could lead you!
202 Learn to love yourself - This is still a lesson I am getting my head
around as some days I do and other days I don’t. However, I think it is so important
we take care of our self and learn to love our self.
21. Age is just a number!