Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Life update - finding the work life balance


Hello hello 

Long time no see! 

I seem to have started many blog posts this way over the past year and that is simply because life is so busy.  The past few months I have lost the work life balance completely and therefore lost touch of doing the things I love such as blogging and instagramming (no idea if that’s even I word, but I have made it one!) 

I feel like I have had a little self revelation (if that’s the right phrase) and decided to try and change things. 

Those of you who have been following me for a while may know I took up a new job in January at a big production and events company that required me to travel to London.  This was a massive step out of my comfort zone as I went from coordinating events with white dresses and guest numbers of up to 200 people to televised events with red carpets and ball gowns! 

This year was the craziest award season the company has had as COVID pushed us for time and bringing with it a lot of long hours and stressful days.  However I have had the best time ever and learnt so much! Looking back at my first award to my last I can see a real difference in myself and how I handled things, really seeing my growth. 

You may have noticed I am using past tense when speaking about my job.  That is because my contract is due to end and I have decided to enter the world of freelancing offering my event services to a variety of different events. This again is a huge step out of my comfort zone as I loose my comfort blanket of 

Job security. However, this is where the change comes in. 

Unlike the past few months I have decided to try and look after myself more and try to make time to do the things I love.  

I worked on my first freelance over the bank holiday weekend as I got to be apart of the platinum jubilee assisting with back stage areas - which was amazing to be apart of such a historical event! This was another week full of long hours and after taking things easy on the Monday, working from home, washing my hair and watching love island something clicked. 

Work life balance doesn’t have to be so full on every day and doesn’t necessarily have to be 50/50.  Looking after myself doesn’t necessarily mean having a full pamper session or gym session for long hours every day. It can be a slightly longer shower here and there or taking time to actually cook a good meal or sitting down to watch your favourite TV show for an hour. I was putting so much pressure on getting an exact equal balance and trying to do too much in them both that it didn’t work.  

So, as I enter the world of freelancing I know there are going to be long days and stressful times. But that doesn’t mean I can’t get some me time in whether that be having a decent meal instead of half a sandwich or doing my skincare routine instead of using a makeup wipe. Then when I do have slightly more time on my hands where I don’t need to work, then I can do those bigger self care bits and really enjoy it. 

I don't know how well this will work, but I want to try it in the hope that even during those stressful times I feel more green and less red as I reward myself for the little things as well as the big. 

If you have some good self care ideas, please let me know and hopefully we can figure this out together! 

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