Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Trip to the worlds biggest Primark!

Yes, you read the title right. I am finally going to be sharing with you what I bought when I visited the biggest Primark in the world!

Before I show you what I bought, I just want to say how amazing it was! Thos of you who know me will know I am a total shopaholic for everything and anything from shoes and clothes to homewear and stationary. As a student, I also LOVE a good bargin. So, when I heard they were building the ultimate Primark in Birmingham, I knew I had to go before finishing uni there. The shop officially opened on a Thursday, so I thought I have Sunday off work, hopefully it won't be too crazy and I can pick up a few things.

I went with one of my housemates, so we got there early in the morning so we could have time to browse before it got too busy and the shop looked like it had thrown up on itself (if you have ever been to Primark in the afternoon, you will know what I mean!). I was in my element, it was laid out so nicely with cute little features here everywhere and there was so much to choose from making it much better than the old Primark. With all 5 floors, it didn't feel as rammed as I thought it would because there was plenty of space for everyone to move about in. I would highly recommend going if you need some bargins and plenty to browse through!

Okay, now I have got that bit out of the way, here is why many of you may have clicked on this post... to see what I bought!

The first thing I picked up were a pair of grey joggers. OMG they are the softest and most comfiest things ever and I can tell I am going to be living in these! At just £5... yes £5 I couldn't not buy them haha

I then came across these pink trainers for £14. Now, at first I said ooo they are cute as I walked past but didn't pick them up. But, after a few minutes I was still thinking about them so had to go get them! I have never really worn what I call clunky trainers, but I know there was a trend for them at some point. So, in my favourite colour and very comfy I decided to try something new and treat myself! I have now worn them a few times and have not had blisters or anything!

The next thing I picked out was a cute denim skirt. I was a little worried about trying this on for I have a small waist but large hips so often can't get them over or if I do them it's way to big around the waist. But, this fit absolutely fine! I could wear a belt with it if I wanted to give my waist a bit more definition, but I don't need one. Was so happy I fit into this, it is comfy to move in and it's a nice coloured denim too! At £10 I thought this was a steal.

While in the denim isle I also found a black denim dress which I knew would look cute with a little white t-shirt underneath it. At £13 I felt this would be another steal for my spring/summer wardrobe.

After round 1 in the changing rooms, we came out and went for round 2!

This time, I spotted a pretty black crop top with a kind of lace material over the top and thought it would be nice for a night out or even when going for dinner. So, at £8 that went straight into my basket and I love it!

I picked up a pair of black skinny jeans with the idea that I would try them on with the black top to see what it would look like. However, the intention to give them back didn't last long when I saw them in the mirror! I kid you not, they looked exactly like my Topshop Joni jeans I have at home. They fit me perfect, easy to move in and the colour was perfect jet black. I could not believe my eyes when I saw they were £10! Crazy I know, so they went with me to the check out as you can never have too many black jeans.

I also found a rail of coulottes and was feeling brave so I thought I would give them a go. I never thought they would suit me as I thought I was too short, but I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't go too crazy and did only get black ones but hey i'm getting braver trying new styles! They were very comfy and I can be styles casual or more dressy, so at £13 they were a good purchase.

So, that is my first Primark haul! I hope you enjoyed it and it has given you some shopping inspiration!