Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Happy New Year!

I don't know about any of you, but that period between Christmas and New Year where nobody really knows what they are doing has been a bit delayed for me. For some reason, it has hit me at the start of the New Year.  I have put this down to having such a crazy busy Christmas, that now the New Year has hit and things have settled, my brain has only just had the chance to figure things out!

Don't get me wrong, christmas was great! I had my auntie, uncle and two cousins come down for two weeks to spend Christmas and New Year together. Despite working for some days, we still had a time full of games, laughter, singing and dancing with cocktails in hand! But, the late nights and anxiety surrounding 2019 soon caught up with me and this past week has been a bit of a blur.

I am normally quite good at the whole New Year, new start and getting straight into things. But, this year, I was just so tired and anxious about the new year, I didn't have the motivation. So, I have spent this first week of the New Year wrapping my head around everything and am starting a fresh today, the 7th January!

I am one of those people that like to start a fresh in the New Year and try new things. Some may call them resolutions and I guess they are to some extent, however I try not to put pressure on myself about them. I tend not to have a specific time or goal but a more relaxed one. That way, at least if I don't succeed or last the whole year, I can at least say i've tried. This year is no exception and my new year's resolutions include:
  • Looking after my skin - by drinking more water and getting into a skin care routine
  • Exercise more 
  • Blog more often 
  • Step out of your comfort zone 
  • Don't care what others think 
Like I said before, these are not set in stone and I am not saying I will definitely stick to them all for the whole year. But, I am going to give them a good go! I am not putting loads of pressure on this year to be as great, as I did that last year and by the end of February I was ready for the year to end. 

So, I plan to go with the flow, try as hard as I can in all that I do and take each day as it come. Who knows what this year will bring... 

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