Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

With it being such nice weather across the UK I decided to join my sister on a trip to the farm with the little boy she nannies. She found one in the New Forest called Longdown Farm, where you can actually feed the animals - awesome I know! I don't know who was more excited, me or little Oscar haha!

When we arrived we got our tickets which were rather cheap at just under £10 and free entry for little ones, so great for a day out on a student budget.

I wasn't really sure what to expect which sounds silly but I haven't been to a farm since I was a little girl, i've only ever really been to the zoo! But OMG it was amazing! They had so many farm animals from cows, pigs and horses and donkeys to chicks and guinea pigs. 

The first animals we saw were the cows and their calves and they were so cute! They had lovely big eyes and looked so soft. We were lucky enough to be there as they were being fed and even got to give them a bottle! 

We then saw the pigs and their piglets who were so tiny and I must admit I fell in love and wanted to take one home. We also saw the donkey and a huge horse who was a gorgeous chestnut brown colour. 

Next on the list to see was the baby goats who were also due a feed when we saw them. They were full of energy and defiantly ready for a bottle. The farmers told us that unlike the cows who stayed in their paddock whilst we fed them, the goats would be let put and come to us. So the bolt was lifted and out they came very excited and gulping the milk down. I loved it so much I did it twice!

We then ventured round to the chicken pens where we got to look and see if they had laid any eggs, sadly we only found one but hey better than nothing! Next up was the petting area where we got to hold chicks and guinea pigs - adorable!

Overall it was an amazing day and I think I fell in love with every animal and wanted to take it home haha. Well, thats all from me and my crazy adventures for now! 

Time For A Catch Up!

I can’t believe it has been 2 months since my last blog post! I am very sorry I have been off the radar for so long, it has been quite a crazy 2 months. So I thought, I would return with a catch up post about what I have been up to over the past two months. It may be a long one, so get comfy, grab a cuppa and a biscuit (or two) and let’s get into it!
The last time you heard from me was at the start of May and OMG has a lot changed since then! During that month, I finished my dissertation along with two other assignments and completed my third and final year – crazy I know! I honestly can’t believe it’s over and don’t think it will really hit me until September when I don’t go back to Birmingham.  The month of May was probably one of the most anxious as everyone was rushing round like headless chickens trying to get everything finished, checked, printed and submitted. But when that was all over it was a weight lifted of my shoulders and felt so good. Since then I have had a few results back and am very pleased, now I am just waiting for the final result that will tell me what I will graduate with. Fingers crossed!
Finishing uni also means I have now moved back home from Birmingham. This day was a weird one as I didn’t want to leave the city life where everything was so close to walk to and there was always something going on. I also didn’t want to leave my friends at uni and work. However, I did feel ready to come home for some much needed fresh air and to see my friends and loved ones from home. So, I got all my boxes and suitcases and packed the lot! It was so weird to see my empty room once all the decor had been taken down but I was looking forward to putting it in my room at home as I am planning on re-decorating it.
It wasn’t all calm when I returned home, as I was straight into work as well as trying to catch up with friends and family. We also had our kitchen ripped out and re-done so that added a bit of chaos to the house as we lived off microwave meals and take-out (this sounds great at first but after a few days, you do get a bit fed up).
I also took a few trips away in the past two months too! I had a girly weekend in London with my best friends from school and college which was so much fun and defiantly going to be something we do more often. I also had a week away in sunny Ibiza with my house mates to finish celebrating university together. We chilled round the pool, had lots of laughs and maybe one too many drinks haha! I will spill more details in another blog post. 
The past few months have absolutely flown past and I have loved every second of it! However, I have missed blogging and plan to try and make it a regular thing, as I have loved reading back my past posts and can't wait to be able to save more memories on here! So, that's all for today and keep an eye out for more crazy adventures, trips, tricks and life stories from me.