Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

This week has been crazy for all as we have seen our world flipped upside down and normality go out the window.  If you have seen my Instagram, some of you will know I really struggled with this the last few weeks hence why I have not posted much this month.  I wanted to stay in bed, cry and shut the the word out until this whole thing went away and I felt really low.  This week, I made a change to my routine and as a result, my mood changed for the better.  So, I thought I would share some tips and ways I have used to get myself out of the dark place during this crazy time in the hope that it will help some of you who may be feeling the same. 

1) Get out of bed, showered and dressed - I have found if I force myself to get out of bed and get dressed I feel so much better already as I feel fresh and ready to start the day. Don't get me wrong, I am not setting an alarm and am still having a lyin, but I am not staying in bed all day. 

2) Go out for your daily exercise - The government have said we are allowed out of our houses once a day so why not make the most of it to get some fresh air! You can go for a run, cycle or walk as long as you follow the social distancing rules it is completely up to you.  I have found by getting myself to do this, it gives me something to do to a) pass time haha, b) have a chance to get out of the house and c) get some fresh air and time to clear my head.  I have loved looking at all the rainbows and artwork in people's windows, it puts a smile on my face each time I spot a new one and reminds me things will turn around and we are all in this together. 

3) Do the things you felt you never had time for - This week I actually read a book, in a week! It was so nice to be able to sit and binge read a book as this is something I love doing but only get the chance when away on holiday and it felt so nice.  So, do those things you have wanted to do for ages but said you were always too busy. Make a cake, finish that scrap book and read that book! 

4) Stay in touch with loved ones - Just because we are in lockdown and can't go and see friends and family doesn't mean you can't still speak to them. We are very fortunate that there are SO many ways we can talk to eachother nowadays from social media, texting and phone calls to facetime and zoom calls!  So, you can still chat to people, catch up, play games and give each other recommendations on stuff to do . 

5) Make a list - sometimes making a list helps me feel better as I work my way through it and tick tasks off.  Even my grandma has found doing this and really breaking it down has helped cheer her up as she gets bits done.  You can put it one big task such as get up and ready for the day or if you want you can break it down such as get out of bed, shower, get dressed and eat breakfast. By doing this can be good start point to help you get out of that dark place. 

I hope you have found this useful.  If you have any tips on how to keep positive in this crazy time, please let me know! 

Stay safe, stay home.

Why exercise?

As a child I was always very active, with PE and playtime at school, dancing after school and a trampoline in the garden, I was always on the go!  However, during my teens I became unwell with Glandular Fever and pretty much stopped exercising all together as I was so tired and extremely stressed with GCSES.  However, as I have gotten older and better, I saw more and more of my friends joining the gym and getting active. 

Whilst at university, I joined the cheerleading team and this was the first step in getting back into exercise.  I couldn't believe the differences it made to my life.  This sounds a bit dramatic, but honestly I felt so good! Although tough at times, the feeling after cheerleading training was unreal! I felt fitter, healthier, more confident and generally happier.  

Another change I felt within myself when doing cheerleading at university was that it was a way to forget about the stress of deadlines, assignments and exams.  Now I have finished university and have swapped assignments for actual work deadlines and changed cheerleading to the gym, I still find that after exercising I feel great and I feel as though all the stress and anxiety goes away.  Getting out and exercising is a good way to keep busy and meet people and is like a hobby!  

I personally have decided to go to the gym more to reduce stress, to become fitter/ healthier, get a peachy bum and as I am doing a physical challenge in October (more of this in a future blog post). But there are lots of motives as to why people want to get more exercise such as weight loss.

According to the NHS, research has shown that regular exercise can improve self-esteem, reduce stress and reduce the risk of developing long-term (chronic) health conditions. 

When I say exercise, I don't mean you have to religiously go to the gym everyday for 4 hours.  I mean, you can go all out if you want too haha! But even little changes like parking further away from the shop can make all the difference.  I said in my new years resolutions that I wanted to exercise more, and I would say I have done this so far.  I don't necessarily go to the gym everyday day, one week I didn't go at all.  But, I am defiantly going a lot more regularly than I used to, especially if I feel myself getting stressed at work and the feeling I get afterwards is amazing!

There are so many different ways you can exercise too, you can go to the gym, go to classes, walk the dog, go running, swimming, cycling, join a club like boxing or dancing the list is endless! 

So, if you are looking for something new to do this month that will improve your health both physically and mentally as well as give you the opportunity to meet new people, I would recommend getting more exercise!