Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Making my own t-shirt

I have always tried to save money where I can and recently I have tried to think about way in which I can save money when it comes to clothing. With winer coming up I have been looking for cute tees which I can pair with lots of outfits and use for layering.  However, lots of the graphic tees I found where so expensive for what they were and it got me thinking, maybe I could make my own and save a bit of money. 

I was lucky to find a white t-shirt in the sale from Miss Selfridge for about £6 - bargin!  And I already had some photo transfer paper from an old art project. Now all I had to do was find a photo and transfer it on.... easy right.... not for this girl. 

The image I wanted to use was from when I went to Disneyland in Paris. Now I know what you may be thinking, why would you want to have a picture of yourself on your top, but it only shows the back of me so you can't really tell.  I had to measure it as best I could and print it backwards so it would come out the right way once printed on the t-shirt.  

Next, I had to place the image face down on the t-shirt and use the iron to transfer the image onto the t-shirt.  This sounds easy, but for some reason I just could get it to transfer!  I even got my mum to have a go but every time we peeled off a tiny bit of the corner to see if it had transferred, the image just came up with the paper.  After a good half an hour of ironing and pressing the heat hard onto the paper, I gave up and decided to go for the faded look!  

Although it didn't come out quite how I would have liked, I do think the faded look with a pair of mom jeans looks cute and I have decided to keep it. 

I would love to know if you have made any your own clothing and any tips you may have.  Hopefully your home made clothing comes out better than mine! 

Current Favourite Makeup Products

These past few days have been spent unpacking and although at first thought this may seem boring, something I have loved doing is unpacking and organising my makeup!  This week I thought I would share with you some of my current favourite products.

I have recently discovered the L'Oreal Glow Cherie and I love it! It is great to apply under your base to give you that extra glow.  I have even worn this on a more relaxed makeup day with just concealer and no foundation and it had good coverage and was lightweight on my skin too. 

One of my all time favourite products has to be the collection lasting perfection concealer, I have used it since I was 16 and it never fails me. It is perfect for covering under eye bags and any spots or blemishes you wish to hide. It new packaging is amazing too! 

Another product I have had for a while but recently re-discovered when unpacking is the NARS Bronzer in the shade Laguna.  The packaging is gorgeous and the makeup is even better!  I am no makeup expert but I would say this has cooler tones in it which is perfect to use all year round.  It applies easy and blends well too which is a bonus for when I am rushing to get ready in the morning haha! 

Blusher is something I don't often wear, but this summer I have fallen back in love with the NARS blush in the shade Orgasm.  For someone who doesn't wear blusher all the time, this one can look a bit scary at first as it is a rather bright pink with a lot of shimmer in it.  But, when applied with the right brush and with a lighter touch this is perfect to give you a bit of colour on a summer day and I would defiantly recommend it. 

Speaking of shimmer, my current favourite highlighter pallet is another one I have re-discovered whilst organising my makeup. I have swapped between powder and cream highlighters for a while now and at the moment I am using the Sleek highlighter palette which is a creamier texture.  It has 4 beautiful colours ranging from white to a sparkly pink and they look even better once applied!  I like to use my finger when using cream highlighter as I feel it blends better and the colour stands out more, this is no exception. 

Something I have loved for a while now is liquid lipsticks and my latest find one of my favourites!  The Mellow Cosmetic liquid lipstick in the shade Shanghai is so easy to apply and the colour is gorgeous.  I would say this is more of an autumnal colour, but I love it so much I have been wearing it in summer too! 

So, these are some of my current fav makeup products. I would love to know if you have tried any of these or what some of your favourite makeup products are.

Moving out

This week has seen a great change in my life as I have moved in with my boyfriend! We are very lucky in that he has an annex in the bottom of his garden which during lockdown was transformed into our own little space complete with a bathroom, bedroom and living area whilst we save for a proper house.  I have learnt so much during this process and so I thought I would share with you some tips I found as I enter this next step of adult life!

Tip 1 – Know your budget – Moving into your own place whether it be a house, flat or annex is expensive! Especially is it is newly built like ours was.  Things like flooring, paint and furniture is a lot more expensive than you may first think so it is always good to have a rough idea on how much you would like to spend. 

With this in mind, I would also say do your research to find out what you need and work out your budget. I did not realise how much stuff you need! I thought a bit of paint, carpet and wooden flooring would do but no, you need underlay, grippers, door separator thingies (I still don’t know all the things haha!) and it is the little bits like this that can make costs increase especially if you didn’t know you needed them.

If you are moving in with someone else, I would also say it is essential to discuss this together and how you are going to pay for things such as splitting it or monthly payments.

Tip 2 – Choose a theme – Many people would say this is a classic girl thing to say, but my boyfriend was just as excited about getting everything to match and look nice. We discussed it together along with looking at lighting, space and have chosen white, grey and black with hints of colour such as yellow. I found apps such as Pinterest and Instagram so helpful when doing this!

Tip 3 – Shop around – I felt like a proper adult shopping for things like furniture and flooring and it was very exciting!  However, a very important tip I learn would be: don’t just buy the first thing you see because it looks nice or it is cheap. 

We nearly made this mistake on flooring as we found a deal which we thought was good and nearly went for it as the deal was going to end in a few days.  But after talking to my parents, we found there were so many more options out there such as offcuts of carpets or laying flooring down ourselves and ended up finding a much cheaper deal with just as good quality saving us around £200!

So, shop around take pictures and compare prices, talk to friends and family and see what is the best option for you.

Tip 4 – Measure before you buy! Always make sure you have the space before you buy something as there is nothing more frustrating than putting it together to find it won’t fit.  I would also recommend testing paint to before committing to buying a big tub. We just used the roller samples and they were great!

Tip 5 – There are lots of things you take for granted that you forget about such as Wifi, TV, toiletries so remember to take these into consideration when moving especially when thinking about your budget too!

Tip 6 – Discuss -Make sure you are constantly chatting about ideas, making sure things are right, making sure you are both happy.

Tip 7 - Have fun! 

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful.  If you would like to know any more information about moving please let me know in the comments!