Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Making my own t-shirt

I have always tried to save money where I can and recently I have tried to think about way in which I can save money when it comes to clothing. With winer coming up I have been looking for cute tees which I can pair with lots of outfits and use for layering.  However, lots of the graphic tees I found where so expensive for what they were and it got me thinking, maybe I could make my own and save a bit of money. 

I was lucky to find a white t-shirt in the sale from Miss Selfridge for about £6 - bargin!  And I already had some photo transfer paper from an old art project. Now all I had to do was find a photo and transfer it on.... easy right.... not for this girl. 

The image I wanted to use was from when I went to Disneyland in Paris. Now I know what you may be thinking, why would you want to have a picture of yourself on your top, but it only shows the back of me so you can't really tell.  I had to measure it as best I could and print it backwards so it would come out the right way once printed on the t-shirt.  

Next, I had to place the image face down on the t-shirt and use the iron to transfer the image onto the t-shirt.  This sounds easy, but for some reason I just could get it to transfer!  I even got my mum to have a go but every time we peeled off a tiny bit of the corner to see if it had transferred, the image just came up with the paper.  After a good half an hour of ironing and pressing the heat hard onto the paper, I gave up and decided to go for the faded look!  

Although it didn't come out quite how I would have liked, I do think the faded look with a pair of mom jeans looks cute and I have decided to keep it. 

I would love to know if you have made any your own clothing and any tips you may have.  Hopefully your home made clothing comes out better than mine! 

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