Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

10 Tips for students

Having been at university for two years now, I feel I have learnt a great deal of tips and tricks for students that I thought you ought to know.

Tip 1: Be open minded to meeting new people – By this, I simply mean don’t judge a book by its cover. This is especially key in first year when trying to make friends and moving into student accommodation. Whilst being at university, you will meet people from all different countries and backgrounds that range across all ages. Even in my third year, I am still meeting new people. Long story short, is someone who you may think looks quite scary or weird even, could turn out to be a great friend who you keep for life.

Tip 2: Be open minded to trying new things – When I came to uni, it felt like a fresh start for me to try new things. You can interpret this how you want, but for me it meant trying new sports (such as cheerleading), volunteering for events and applying for jobs I normally may have avoided in the past.

Tip 3: Use all resources given to you – We are paying a lot of money (around £9,000 a year!). So why not make the most of it! I know a lot of resources can be accessed online but things like the library can be a great resource to use when writing assignments. The Academic Skills Centre or similar can be amazing for checking any work or helping understand assignment briefs and is a resource I can highly recommend! I am lucky that my university has a centre for helping students apply for jobs along with so many other resources to help you not just whilst at uni, but also after.

Tip 4: Know your deadlines – This sounds like such a crazy thing to advise but I do know people who forgot their deadlines or got the day wrong and got into a right pickle. So, get organised early, know when your work is due and don’t leave it all to the last minute just in case!

Tip 5: Read, Read, Read – You may be sick and tired of hearing your lectures say this in your first and second year. But now I am in my third year, I can honestly say this will save your life when it comes to writing your assignments. Without reading, you have no resources to back up your points and can’t get a good grade. Some people will read this and think “I don’t have to do this until third year,” but if you get into the habit of doing it on your first ever assignment, when it comes to your dissertation, you will be a pro and essay writing will be easy.

Tip 6: Always make two copies – I find having a copy of your work on a laptop and a memory stick means if one gets lost or deleted by accident, at least you have a spare. You could even have a paper copy too if you prefer!

Tip 7: Not always perfect – First years especially should know that your first ever draft of an assignment is not going to be perfect. The change from college to university can be quite a big jump as the style of writing is completely different. Don’t panic if your first draft isn’t the way you want it. You can write as many as you want! This is where you need to combine this tip with that of 3 and 4 where if you start early, you can do this and use the resources provided by the uni to help improve. I have found that coming back after the holidays, even after 2 years of essay writing can affect my writing as it takes a while to get back into it.

Tip 8: Get yourself out there – I have only recently learnt the importance of this one but it is something I am going to try and do this year. By getting your name out there, it can give you more opportunities to meet new people and stand out. No matter what industry you are in, I strongly believe that it is not all about what you know, but who you know. So, volunteer for everything from student rep to a marketing opportunity to a chance to work in your dream industry. This could even be trying your hardest during first and second year so you stand out to future employers and lecturers ready for third year. Don’t hold back and go for it!

Tip 9: Mind food – I have found that quick easy to eat on the go snacks are a life saver at uni to give me a bit of brain food between lectures when I am feeling a bit run down. I love go ahead bars, Nature Valley honey and oats bars and of course you can’t beat a cheeky chocolate bar or cake! A bottle of water is also a good shout as there is nothing worse than being in a lecture theatre with a headache.

Tip 10: Make every moment count – Again, this is something I have learnt more now I am going into my final year, but something I will never forget. University flies by- this is no understatement. Yes, there are the odd days that drag, but the year as a whole goes way too quick! Therefore, I suggest you make every day count. As much as you should try and focus on your work, remember to have fun and create as many memories as possible. You may not have this opportunity again.

I hope you have found these tips useful. I was very nervous when starting uni, so little tips like this were helpful and I hope they will help some of you too. If you have any tips or tricks you have learnt whilst being at university please share them in the comments!

Going back to uni - How I really feel

Going back to uni should be something students look forward to. You get to see all of your friends, decorate your uni room, experience new things and learn more – exciting right!

But this isn’t always the case. I have told myself that I want to be honest with these blog posts, so I can look back on them and see how I really felt. Although these things are different for everyone, I hope it will help some of you get a better picture of what these things were, and are like for me. So, that is what I am going to do with this post on how I really feel going back to uni this year.

When going back to university for second year, I was excited to see my housemates and course mates having spent the summer going through all of the memories captured on photo and video. I was looking forward to getting back into cheerleading again, after trying to keep up my training over the summer around work. I couldn’t wait to learn more and take the next step to my career. I would also take another step into the life of adulthood as I moved from student accommodation into a house!

However, I knew second year would come with its challenges. I was no longer a first year, meaning my grades meant something more towards my final percentage. The work load would increase and the difficulty level would rise. I also knew a house would come with its own challenges.

Looking back, I’d say I was more excited than nervous to start second year, hoping it would be as amazing as my first year at university.

If I’m being 100% honest, second year for me was challenging. I soon found that things were quite a lot different from first year in many ways. Friendships had changed, family had changed, the course was a lot harder than I thought and I faced more challenges that came with adulthood. I’m sure I will talk about each of these in more detail someday.

I don’t want to be a Debby downer and say it was horrendous, because that wouldn’t be true. But, I would say it was very different to my first year in many aspects and it took me completely off guard. I did have some amazing memories as I did more work experience within the events industry, had some crazy nights out and had great fun competing with the best cheer squad I could ever ask for. However, if I’m being honest I’d say there were more negatives than my first year.

As a result of this, I found over the past week I have made myself very nervous and anxious about going back to university for my third and final year. I have been worried about how friendships may have changed again or how much harder the course will be. I have the pressure of job hunting on my shoulders also, with the idea people are expecting me to get a job in the events industry straight away. I was worried that it may be like second year and that I won’t enjoy it as much as I would like to...

That is when I realised what my problem was when moving from one year to the next. I am comparing it too much to the year before. I have realised now that every year is different. It was at school, college and now university. So my advice to you (and to myself) is this:

Yes, things will get harder and people will grow and change, but these things should just be accepted and embraced. Don’t dwell on the past, make new memories and save the old ones instead of trying to re-create them. Take every day as it comes, they may not all be great but that is part of life and growing up.

Now, having been at uni for a few days, I am looking forward to getting started and creating new memories. I am just going to live my life how I want and try not to let others people opinions on that get in the way. I am going to try and think positive for the future and for this year as much as I can. I know it may be hard at times. But, if you surround yourself with those you love, and do the things you want to do, then good things will come in the end.