Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Looking into my star sign

I have never really looked much into horoscopes and zodiac signs except the occasional skim through in a magazine.  But, this week news broke out that our zodiac signs may have changed as a NASA blog post announces a 13th zodiac or star sign and some people have gone crazy about it! 

So, having more spare time on my hands, I have done a bit more research into horoscopes and what they are whilst looking at mine in particular and any changes to it. 

According to the NASA blog post, horoscopes were created 3,000 years ago when the Babylonians divided the sky into 12 different sections to represent the 12 months of the year.  They then chose 12 constellation one for each section so that as the earth orbits the sun, the sun would be seen to pass through each section of the sky, creating star signs. However, the Babylonians were soon aware that the system they had created did not quite match with the rotation of the earth, so they chose to remove the 13th sign called Ophiuchus. Since then, the Earth's axis has changed and does not point in the same direction meaning the sky has shifted.  This means people may have a different star sign. 

My birthday is on the 14th November so I have always said I was a Scorpio, hence the necklace. But now I am apparently a Libra!  

I have looked on a few different sites that show personality traits for both Scorpio and Libra and it was interesting seeing what traits fit with my personality and which zodiac sign I relate to the most.  

I believe I have the following traits of a Libra: 

  • Idealistic - I always try and find the best in every situation or person
  • Non confrontational - I hate arguments and always try and keep the peace, which does mean I can sometimes put off difficult discussions for a long time.     
  • Indecisive - At times I can be bad at making decisions as I weigh up the pros and cons of even the smallest of things.  I think this also links to my hatred of confrontation so I want to try and please everyone making it hard to make decisions.
However, I found when reading through the traits of a Scorpio I feel I have more of these traits.  Such as: 
  • Determination - Once I set myself a goal I won't hold back and will try everything I can to reach it. 
  • Ambitious - I set my goals high and am not afraid to do so!
  • Loyal - I don't want to sound big headed when I say this, but I like to think once I commit to someone or something I stick with it and although it can be hard to earn my trust, once you do I will not give up on it. 
  • Honest/Secretive - I know what your thinking, how can you be honest and keep secrets at the same time? A key trait of Scorpios and something I see in myself is that they are honest and hate dishonesty.  However, they don't like to reveal too much, especially when it comes to displaying vulnerability and with people they don't trust.  
  •  Resentful - As well as getting slightly jealous, I can hold a grudge and take betrayals or setbacks very personally.
  • Controlling - I do have a bit of OCD and so this can mean I get controlling in certain situations, especially if it is something that will help me achieve my goal. 
  • In terms of relationships, I prefer serious commitments and give my loyalty and love in them. I like to connect with people on a deep emotional and intellectual level and if you are honest and true, I will always be there in a time of need. 
After looking more into the star signs and traits they have, I think I can say despite the change in star signs, I will forever be a Scorpio.  I may have some Libra characteristics in me, but I will continue to wear my Scorpio necklace with pride!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.  I would love to know if your star sign has changed and whether you fit better into your new or old one! 

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