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Tips for working from home

For the past month I (along with many people in the country) have been working from home, which has been the first time doing work at home since studying at university!  At first I thought it was going to fine as I used to study/do homework after school and uni for years and was quite good at setting down and doing it.  But when I think of it, that was only for maybe 3 hours and now I am having to do full on 8 hour days 5 days a week at home, which is a bit different.  It took a while to find out what works best for me and getting into a routine.  So, since we are going to be working from for a few more weeks, I thought I would share with you my tips for how to work from home.  These can also be handy for students studying at home too! 

1) Have a set working space:  For me, this is so key to concentration.  When you think working from home, you think yes I don't have to get up and out of bed.  But, for me I found I just don't concentrate the same in bed and get distracted by how comfy it is and find myself more likely to nap haha! I prefer to create a space that really feels like work, so using a desk or table as I concentrate better.  If you can try and find a space that is separate from everyday life so it still feels as if you are 'going to work' even is it just on one side of the room or in a different room.  By doing this I find you can distance yourself and walk away from work when the day is over and give yourself the space away you need to relax in the evening. You may have seen on my Instagram, @sweetpea97.blog that I actually didn't have a desk for the first few days of working form home, so I set up the coffee table on the other side of the room instead haha! 

2) Get up and wake up: My working day starts at 7:30 so I would normally be up at 5:45, however working from home meant I could have a lyin!  For the first week I would get up at about 7:00 and sluggishly slump to my chair still in my pjs and begin working which was not good as I was still half asleep and concentration was not great.  After realising this was not working, I decided it was better to act as if this was a normal day and I would definitely recommend it!  I still have a bit of a lyin as I no longer have the 30 minute drive to work, so I wake up at 6:15 and head to the lounge where I can take my time eating my breakfast, watching the news, having a scroll and just waking myself up for the day.  It has really helped my concentration as I feel more awake and ready for the day. 

3) Get dressed: I don't know if I cam crazy as I thought I would love working in my pjs, but again I found creating an environment that was as much like work as possible was so much better for my mood.  I have found by doing my hair, makeup and actually putting on clothes make me feel more productive and ready to take on the day.  This doesn't mean you ave to out on a dress and heels, as there are so many cute lougewear outfits out there now, I simply mean get out of your pjs and dressing gown and hopefully you will feel much more motivated. 

4) Have a to do list: I love a good to do list because it sets out what I need to get done that day (so I don't forget!) and makes me feel good as I tick off each thing.  By writing everything out on paper and having it in front of you is like a brain dump and gets it all out of your head which for me, helps me concentrate and makes me feel less anxious as I can see what needs to be done. 

5) Have a good playlist: Working from home people think, yes I can watch the TV and catch up on netflix.  But this is a very bad idea as you will loose concentration and not get work done.  So, I suggest having a great playlist or podcast on to boost your mood or have the radio on so you still feel as though you are surrounded by people.  Or, face your back to the TV so you can still hear the noise in the background but aren't able to be glued to it (just don't put on something exciting that is likely to make you turn around haha). 

6) Plenty of tea and biscuits: The beauty of being at home is that you have all your home snacks right on hand as you need.  I love a good cuppa and biscuits to keep me fuelled and topped up throughout the day! 

I hope you found this helpful.  They may seem like such easy tips, but they really do work for me and I hope they work for you too! I would love to know in the comments if you have any tips on how to work from home!

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