Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

It's Time for a Catch Up

Hello everyone!  Long time no blog...

Okay, i'm not sure what that intro was but it has been a fair while since my last post and I feel a bit rusty haha! Since restrictions in the UK have been lifting, we have been able to see more people and do more things and I have made the most of it! 

I forgot how busy life was before COVID and now things are opening, I feel like I don't want to turn anything down with the fear I will regret not doing it if anything like this were to happen again. So, I have said yes to pretty much everything and boy has it been busy which means I have not had time to sit down and really get into a blog post. This week I have had a rest week which has certainly done me good. I have been thinking more into the whole work, life, hobbies balance and decided to not take on too much at a time as it burns me out (as it did last week). I am going to try and get a new routine which allows me to do some things but also have me time and work on hobbies and projects too - i'll let you know how I get on in a future post.  But, for now I thought I would share with you some of the things I have been up to over the past 2 months as a kind of catch-up blog.  So, grab a cuppa, and a biscuit and get comfy! 

I would say it was May where things for me began to change and life got busy as we could meet up with family and friends and do more than just go for a walk.  On the first weekend of May, I met my parents and sister for a trip to our favourite zoo to celebrate my sisters birthday.  It was so lovely to be able to go out and celebrate somewhere, especially as on her last birthday we were only allowed out for a daily walk. Luckily it was a sunny day and all of the animals came out to say hello and if you ask me, I would say it seemed like they missed seeing people as they were all showing off and looking their best. It felt nice to be out again and as we were outside we did not have to wear our masks which at some parts did feel very strange as I felt very aware of people, space and how close people were to me when standing by the enclosures. But I think as we have been going out more and life returns to a some what normal I have become used to small crowds and people standing next to me. 

I have also enjoyed meeting up with friends and going out for dinner and drinks whilst sitting indoors at our favourite restaurants/bars and trying new places too!  It has been so lovely to get all dressed up and see each other for a good catch up and I can't to do it more. 

Another trip I have done for the first time in.... well I can't even remember, is to the cinema.  I went with my boyfriend and his family to watch a horror film (my first horror at the cinema) and i'm proud to say I didn't have my eyes closed and fingers in my ears for the whole thing haha!  Some things have changed about how everything works now with food orders done at the same touch screens you buy your tickets, masks worn until in your seats and of course social distancing.  But it felt good to be back and I really enjoyed it!

If you follow me on Instagram (@sweetpea97.blog), you will have seen that my boyfriend and I also took a little trip away to Bournemouth to see his sister.  It was so much fun, we got to go to the beach, shopping, bowling, an escape room and played mini golf (which I didn't loose at haha!).  It was a jam packed weekend but it was great fun and although a little grey it was very warm.  

I have also been working on some projects behind the scenes of my blog which I have loved! One of these is writing and recording a song with my sister.  If you follow me on Instagram you will have sen that over the past 2 months my sister and I have been writing and recording a song with Chart House which hopefully will be released soon- stay tuned!  It has been so much fun coming up with lyrics and a tune and getting to to it together has been amazing.  My sister has been singing and writing music with them for about a year now and when she asked me to do a song with her I couldn't wait (even though I was very nervous).  

Another project I have been working on is setting up my own business.  I know crazy right!  I still can't quite believe it either but I will soon be launching Sweetpea Designs - bespoke handmade table signage for weddings and events.  I have absolutely loved working on this especially working with the lovely Beth from @BeingBethDesigns who has been amazing at helping me with all of branding for my new business. So, keep your eyes peeled for the launch over on Etsy and Instagram. 

One of the best things I have done since restrictions have eased is go and visit family members indoors and give them a hug! It has been so strange only seeing people on a screen, from outside the windows or stood in the doorway that being able to go into the same room as them and hug them has felt amazing! We have all had such a laugh with shopping trips, cocktails and catching up on big announcements.  I wish each visit could have lasted longer but hey, it gives me something to look forward to. 

I have also been accepted to do an events internship which means a change in my career back into the events industry! I am really going to miss my friends at my current job and feel so grateful they took me in a year ago, after being made redundant as a result of the firs lockdown. But, I have really missed the event industry and can not wait to learn more and grow in my dream industry.  

So, I have had a pretty busy 2 months and I have loved every second of it!  We still have a way to go until all of this crazy is over, but I have had my first vaccine and I am ready for weddings, family gatherings and holidays when we can.  But for now I am going to enjoy every minute of the things we can do now and I hope you do too. 

1 comment

  1. Hope you had a great time in Bournemouth! - I live there for uni. I haven't been to the cinema yet but I really want to go now 🍿

    Caroline | envirolineblog.com
