Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

The results are in!

Hi everyone!

I am writing this blog post on a day that some of you may have been dreading...


This is a scary time no matter what you are hoping to do next. I know that exams and coursework has been incredibly hard this year and so before I continue, I just wanted to say that you have all done well no matter what!

I got my A Level results 3 years ago now and I remember being so nervous I didn't want to go and collect them! The morning of, I was up at silly o'clock after getting little sleep the night before.  I turned my phone off to avoid the "what did you get" messages; I even refused to look on my laptop all morning as I was too scared to look online and see if they were out. Then, the time came for my mum to take me to college to get the envelope!

I went to a fairly small college, so I knew my teachers well and as I arrived I had a few smiles but  was still very unsure. I was shaking like a leaf and took my envelope over to a corner to open with my mum and away from everyone else. Soon after opening it both my mum and I were in tears... I had done it!! I couldn't wait to tell my dad and the rest of the family and friends.

I hope many of you got to have this amazing feeling this week too, congratulations to you all!

However, I know that some of you may not have received the results you desired. But don't panic. It's okay.

If you haven't got into your first choice university, there is always your second choice or third choice even! I know it's not the university you may have really wanted, but I am a big believer in the saying "everything happened for a reason." Who knows, there could be something AMAZING waiting for you, whether that be at university or not.

Clearing is also another tool that can help you find another place to study if needed. UCAS has a lot of information on their website about what it is and how it can help you. So, if you didn't get the result you had hoped for I would defiantly check it out.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will try and help as best I can.

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