Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

How I store my bathroom bits

When moving into student housing with other people, one thing I thought about was the bathroom and where I was going to put all my stuff. I am the type of person that doesn’t like clutter around the bath and living with 3 other people, I felt it would be easier to keep all my bathroom bits together in my room. I was given a rectangular basket as a gift and thought it would be perfect to use as it could fit a lot in and would be easy to take to the bathroom when needed. I has worked perfectly over the past two years and I would defiantly recommend it as an easy way to store all you bathroom bits and avoid a cluttered bathroom.
So, for this week’s blog post I thought I would share with you what is in my bathroom box!

This is the basket I use:

As you can see everything fits quite nicely! I have put items such as shampoo, conditioner and body wash I use regularly in a shower cap to avoid mould. But I do try and dry these before putting them back into the basket.

Here are some of my skin care products I use:

These are two moisturisers I am loving after I get out the shower. The Dove one is great for giving a tan!

And of course I have to mention the all-important bath products!

I hope you enjoyed this post and it has helped some of you who may be wondering how to store all those bathroom bits at uni!

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