Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Back to the basics

I began blogging whilst at university and fell in love the whole idea of sharing tips, tricks and my favourite things. I enjoyed it so much I set up my own blog upon finishing university!
When at university I used to upload weekly and I had myself in a nice little routine with it. So, I decided to stick to a similar thing with my personal blog. Although good at times, I found I was then just writing for the sake of it as opposed because it was genuinely something I wanted to talk about. So, I changed it up and began to upload as and when I wanted and about something I really wanted to share and not just because it was a Sunday and I had to write a weekly post.
It has been 4 months exactly since my last blog post and life has been crazy to say the least. I have laughed and cried, I have wanted to re-live moments and wished some moments had never happened. The past few weeks in particular I didn’t want to blog because I was down and if I’m honest I wasn’t sure I wanted to share how I was feeling. But, looking back on the past few weeks, I could have really done with typing it all up, letting it all out and maybe attempting at giving myself advice.
It has been during this time, I realised what I liked about blogging so much. It was my place to document my life, let out how I was feeling and almost give myself advice as if I was talking to someone else. I feel like sharing when you are sad is just as important as when you are happy. Nobody’s life is perfect all the time and if you keep it bottled in, it will only get worse. If anything, it is nice to see you are not alone in how you feel sometimes.
I have really missed blogging and writing this post to you now, I can defiantly tell I am rusty! I am going to try and get back into it any minute I can in the hope that it will cheer me back up, and hopefully help some of you too! I have realised that it’s okay to not be okay and it’s better to let it out then bottle it up. So, I can’t promise I won’t share the odd ‘feeling low’ post, but I hope in me sharing the downs as well as the ups, people can see that life is never perfect and we all have our good days and bad days.
So here it goes….

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