Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

2019 Rewind

2019 is over and a new decade has begun! 

With it being the start of a new year, I thought the best way to catch you up on the last 3 months would be with a look back over the past year. 

2019 went WAY to fast and looking back on it now, I feel 2019 has been a real turning point in my life. I have had a lot of laughs, tears and learnt a lot of hard lessons. Some of these I want to remember, others I want to forget. But whether they are good or bad memories, I feel I want to document them and share my experiences on this space in the hope that they will help others going through the same thing and maybe one day I can look back and laugh! So, grab a cuppa and a biscuit as I have a feeling this could be a long one...

From what I remember 2019 started with the goal of becoming fitter and healthier to gain that summer body ready for my girls holiday! Looking back, I like to say I achieved this. I was able to enjoy nights out, eat what I wanted but managed to keep up the gym routine and even got into swimming. However, as soon as the girls holiday was over, so was my gym days haha! At least I know I can do it, all I need is a goal. 

One amazing thing I did in 2019 was go to Valencia with my university course to see Las Fallas Festival. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it! The statues built by the locals were incredible and to see them burn was crazy, not to mention the huge firework display that was unlike anything I had ever seen before. With gorgeous food and sangria at every corner, I would defiantly recommend going to the festival if you can.

2019 came with various family events too. My baby cousin had her christening which was good fun as we sang "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" and made paper boats! One of my other cousins (who people say is like my twin) was diagnosed with Usher's Syndrome. My family and I got to see the Spice Girls and we went to Winter Wonderland dragging my mum and auntie on the best roller coaster ever! 

As I said earlier, 2019 also came with lots of nights out - it was the year of 21st birthdays, work parties and with it being the final year of uni, I made the most of student nights and student prices and finished it with a trip to Ibiza! 

2019 was the year when I learnt a lot about friendship and how it is not always plain sailing. However, I did shock myself in 2019 and decided enough was enough and I took those who were not true friends out of my life. Although a very hard thing to do and came with many tears, looking back now I am so glad I did this as it took a lot of negativity out of my life. 

2019 was the year I finished university and graduated with a First Class Honours in Events Management. It was a day I will never forget and I can honestly say it was one of the best days of my life so far. I know this may sound a bit dramatic to some, but university was a big step in my life, I moved from home, tried things i never had before and put in a lot of hard work to get this far! Standing on that stage in front of friends and family was all worth it! 

I also reached another mile stone in my life by starting my first job as an Events Coordinator in a hotel! 

So, as you can see a lot has changed for me in the past year and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I have accomplished a lot, learnt a great deal and can't believe all of this has happened in one year (You may be able to tell by the number of exclamation marks I have used haha). I am excited to see what 2020 has in store.... bring it on! 

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