Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

No more January blues!

Congratulations everyone, we made it through January!!! 

I am never normally try and wish time away as I know I may regret it one day, but this year has to be one of the first times I can remember where I hated January and wanted it to be over.  Okay, 'hated' is probably a very strong word and thinking back January wasn’t THAT bad....I just didn't enjoy it as much as I have other years.

Normally January isn’t so bad a month as you get to back into a routine at school or university after the crazy Christmas/ New Year period and you get to see all of your friends again! I have always like January as it meant a fresh start with a new year, new me kinda vibe, but this year was different. 

This year I wasn’t going back into a routine where I got to see my friends everyday again.  Instead, I was continuing with the same boring routine where I would go to work, come home sleep and do it all again with no real social life to look forward to.  Now I am older and don’t have the beauty of student loan, it was a month of having no money after spending on Christmas and birthdays while I waited for pay day on the 5th Feb (for those of you wondering, yes it did feel as long as it sounds!).  

With the stress of work, the idea of new year fresh start didn’t seem to last as long as I found myself with no free time to do the thing I had said I wanted to do in the new year.  So, I was ready for January to end and February to begin with new work opportunities and the idea of a fresh start really in sight! 

For some reason, this year I felt the negativity of January within other people too.  It was as if I had never been aware of the fact that people hate January and the reasoning behind it until now.  Maybe it’s an age thing? 

Now February is here I feel so happy!  It feels really odd to think one month can make such a difference in someones' mood, yet it really does! I feel a spring in my step and I’m ready to make change and start doing what I set out to do at the start of the year!  Seeing things like daffodils in sight is definitely brightening my mood and getting me excited for spring and warmer days...

Not long now!! 

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