Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Current favourite nail polish colours!

Last Week I spoke about how due to the current situation, I now have a lot more time on my hands to do things I love but often don't have time for.  One of those things is painting my nails, especially now I have had time to get a sun tan haha! 

I have always loved getting my nails done or doing them myself to save a bit of money and over the past few weeks I have found it relaxing and also a good way to take my mind off things. So, I thought I would share with you some colours I have been loving! 

For a good 5+ years I have used Barry M nail polish as I find they have a good array of colours and the brush is great for applying with a just a few strokes.  Depending on the colour depends on how many coats you need, but I have found 2 coats does the job just fine! 

1. Cotton - This is by far my all time favourite colour nail polish to wear all year round.  I just think it is a great colour that will go with any outfit and now I have a nice tan, it looks even better as it stands out!  

2. Damson - This blue is a great colour to brighten the day and really did cheer me up during these uncertain times.  I started with this shade on my fingers and have also tried it on my toes and it looked equally as good!

3. Berry Sorbet - This one os again another colour that looks amazing with a tan!  It is a great summery colour that I think comes out a lot brighter than it may look in the bottle, especially after the second coat! 

4. Kiss me quick - I must admit, I was a bit sceptical as to whether this was true or not but I was pleasantly surprised at how quick it dried!  The colour is gorgeous both with a tan and without and similar to the shade cotton, I found this colour worked great with all outfits.  

I would love to know what shades of nail polish you are loving right now, make sure you leave a comment below! 

What I've been reading

Now we all have a lot more time on our hands, I have been able to do things that I would normally not have time to do.  One thing I have LOVED doing over the past 4 weeks is reading. I have always enjoyed reading, however I only really got the chance to properly immerse myself into a good book was when on holiday which was about 2 weeks a year! I was very lucky to be given a Kindle from my parents for Christmas and thank god I did as it has come in very handy during this time.  During these crazy times, I have reading to be a good escape from the world as I dive into another and it has helped me relax as I turn away from my phone for a few minutes or hours a day. 

So, this week I thought I would share with you some of the books I have been reading in the hope that it gives you some inspiration or ideas for your next read. 

Book 1 - The Wives by Lauren Weisberger

I had been wanting to read this book for AGES as it is the sequel to 'A Devil Wears Prada' which although I have not read the book, it is one of my all time favourite movies.  I can not express how much I loved this book.  It was a funny and uplifting which is great for the current times to lift your mood.  It shows how strong friendship and women who work together can achieve anything!  I also like how it follows three different women all going through something, proving it doesn't matter how much money or power you have, we all face similar fears and troubles in life. It had chapters taking the point of view from each character which sometimes can be confusing, but Lauren made it seamless and it was a nice easy read which I couldn't put down!  Would defiantly recommend if you are looking for a funny and encouraging read. 

Book 2 - Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger 

I loved Lauren's style of writing so much, I had to explore her other books and I came across this one.  Again, a nice lighthearted and funny read great to boost your mood in current times.  We follow Bette as she leaves her horrible job, faces the question of 'what are you going to do with your life' and soon steps into a completely different world of parties and VIPs.  It did remind me of the Devil Wears Prada which is probably why I loved it.  It shows the life of celebrities isn't all that and how important the friends and family you had before the glitz and glam really is. Although I didn't find I was as hooked on this one as The Wives, I would still recommend it as a good easy read if you are looking for a funny chick flick with a hint of romance!

Book 3 - Found by Eric Kinsley 

This was a completely different book to the first two I have read as it follows the story of a family whose little boy was taken. As much as love a upbeat comedy book, I am a sucker for a gripping thriller and that is exactly what this was.  Another book I could not put down as the first chapter drew me in.  This was not quite what I had expected when I first read the title as it follows the different relationships between the family and focuses on the healing process just as much as the detective who took him process. The characters and their movements where so well written in a sensitive way and the relationship between grandad and grandson in particular was beautiful to read.  As much as this was a great thriller, this book is great in showing how families who stay together and support each other during difficult times are stronger. 

Book 4 - Grown Ups by Marian Keyes

I have only really just started this book, however I thought I would tell you what I think so far.  After a bit more of a heavier read with 'Found' I wanted a change of scenery with another lighthearted read and this was describes as Sunday Times best seller so I thought I would check it out.  A story that follows the holiday antics of a large family, we get to see the troubles and thoughts of a big family all with different ages, characteristics and opinions. Each chapter follows a different character which can work well, however with it being such as large family I have found this confusing at times as I forget who is married to who or who is related to who. But, I think as I read more, I will remember haha! So far, it is an upbeat and humorous read which I have found easy to pick up and put down as I feel. I will let you know when I have finished it and my thought - so keep an eye out on my insta! 

I hope you found this helpful when looking at what books you might enjoy. I would love to know what you have been reading and which books you would recommend, so leave a comment below!

Stay safe!

Easter Treat!


I hope you are all safe and well in this crazy time.

During this lockdown period, I have really found baking to be a great distraction and has helped reduce my anxiety.  So, I thought I would share with you how to make so delicious cookies using my all time favourite chocolate - mini eggs!! I used Tanya Burr cookie recipe as I just love how soft and gooey they are and they are so quick and easy to make. 

You will need:

200g butter
300g caster sugar
1 large egg
275g self raising flour
75g coco powder
2 bags of mini eggs 

Step 1: Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees 

Step 2: Prepare you baking trays by lining them with grease prof paper

Step 3: Add the caster sugar and butter into a mixing bowl. Tip: add the sugar first so it won't stick to the butter. 

Step 4: Stir until light and soft. Tip: You can use a mixer, however I used a classic wooden spoon and it worked just as good.

Step 5: Add the egg and mix together

Step 6: Add in the flour and coco powder. Tip: if you are hand mixing it, don't put it all into the bowl at once, try adding a little at a time. 

Step 7: Add the mini eggs into the mixture and mix using your hand or a spoons.

Step 8: Section the dough into balls and place them onto your baking trays. You can make them as big or small as you like. If you want to add any more eggs in you can! 

Step 9: Place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Tip: They will not look cooked when you take them out the oven. I did get worried when placing a knife in the centre and the mixture being on it when pulling it out, however it does harden when cooling. 

Step 10: Leave to cool for 15 minutes. 

Enjoy either on their own or with a scoop of ice-cream!