Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

How I get out of the blues


It seems like so long ago since my last blog post.  If I’m honest it’s because the the last weeks I have not been myself and the only way I can describe it is that I’ve been feeling a bit meh..... 

I have been feeling anxious about the current situation and changes to the rules, I have been having a hard time at work and been feeling tired and run down.  

The last few days I have been trying to get myself out of this and I thought I would share you some ways I have been trying to get out of the blues and feel motivated again In the hope that it may help some of you who are feeling the same. 

Hello, me here! I am just going to jump in here and edit a little to say this blog post was written on Thursday before the new announcement was made.  Since this news was released last night, my anxiety has been a bit all over the place today... I am sure many of you feel the same.  So, I am going to carry on using the methods I was using to get out of the blues over the past 2 weeks and hope it helps me now too.  I hope this helps anyone out there who is also feeling a bit meh and anxious at this time too.  Just know you are not alone and if you ever need to talk my insta inbox (@sweetpea97.blog) or comments are always open! 
Okay now that’s been said, let’s get back to it...  

1. One thing I have been doing is trying to think positive.  Each morning I try and say out loud to myself 5 positive things in my life right now.  These can be anything you like from my makeup looks good today to I have a warm roof over my head. I have found by doing this I focus on the good in my life and it makes me realise how lucky I am.  When you think about the good it increases. 
2. Do things that make you feel good.  I know a lot of you are gonna call me crazy but I love Christmas and not gonna lie, I have been watching Christmas movies the last few weeks and it has really cheered me up! I know it’s October, but hey if it makes you happy go for it and right now Christmas movies cheers me up so I’m going to watch them haha! So, if it makes your happy who cares what others think, go for it and hopefully it will cheer you up. 

3. Don’t ignore how you feel.  There have been times where I have felt meh and tried to hide it or ignore it but in the end that has made it worse and it’s come out eventually and I’ve been a real mess. I read a quote once and I’ve always remembered it: 

“It’s okay to have a melt down.  Just don’t unpack and live there.  Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.” 

4. I am a sucker for good quote and motivation book.  So I find when having meh moments whether that be sad, angry, anxious I have a little read of some and it really makes me look at the situation differently.  My favourite book is Feel the Fear and Do It anyway. Some of my favourite quotes are: 

- “Everything happens for a reason” - Marilyn Monroe

- “For every minute you remain angry, you loose sixty seconds of happiness” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

- “It’s okay to loose your shit sometimes because if you keep your shit, you’ll end up full of shit and then you’ll explode and there will be shit everywhere.  A shit storm.  And nobody wants that.” 

- “You’re not a failure if you don’t make it.  You’re a success because you tried.” - Susan Jeffers 

I have actually got a little book I have written with my favourite quotes in and have been reading through these to boost my mood and motivate me. 

5. Sometimes the simple things are effective and for me that’s cosy socks, cuppa tea and biscuits watching random TV.  

I hope this blog post has helped some of you if you are feeling a bit meh.  Just know you are not alone and we all have our bad days or weeks but they do pass and you can get through it!

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