Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Meet Norman

Ever since I was young, my sister and I loved the idea of having a pet! When we were younger, we saw having a pet as having the opportunity to look after something and show how responsible we could be. We also liked the idea of having someone else to play with besides each other.

The first pet I ever had was a goldfish. I remember having a huge tank in my bedroom filled with them! We soon moved house and took two of the fish with us – Bob and Jimmy-bob. This must have been at least 15 years ago, and Bob is still going strong! He is now three times his size and has turned into an old man losing his bright gold colouring turning silver. But, despite his age, he is still jumping out the tank at 7 o’clock in the morning telling us to feed him, it is funny!

When I was about 11 years old, my parents let me get a dwarf hamster as my friend couldn’t look after it anymore and was giving it away. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to bring him home! He was a Russian winter white called Rambo (he already had that name and we didn’t want to change it!). He was so soft and loved to cuddle on the sofa watching tv whilst munching very loudly on an apple slice. Sadly, he got a tumour on his tummy and passed away. We then got another two hamsters, who also lasted around 1-2 years. Although having a hamster was fun as we got to keep them in our rooms and have the responsibility of feeding, cleaning and playing with them, it was always sad when they passed away as they didn’t last long. So my sister began the search for a new pet that would last a bit longer than a hamster.

One pet we have both always wanted to have is a dog. If I’m being honest, I am more of a dog person than a cat person. Sadly, I have never had a dog. With my sister and I being at school all day, mum at work and dad in and out of the country, it wouldn’t be fair to leave it in the house alone all day. So, I have decided to wait until I can look after one properly and give it the time and attention it deserves.

Another pet I have always wanted is a guinea pig. I love how soft and fluffy they are – especially the long haired ones! Every time we would go to the pet shop we would ask to hold one hoping mum would cave and let us get one each. Unfortunately, due to our garden attracting lots of wildlife including foxes, we would have to get an in house cage which doesn’t appeal to mum as it would be huge and may smell a little. So guinea pigs will have to wait till I get my own place!

Soon, the desire for a pet faded and I decided I would wait till I was older. My sister however, didn’t lose the want for a pet. She soon discovered tortoises and a few days ago, after lots of research, she bought her first one. Meet Norman:

He is a lot smaller than I imagined he would be and faster too! But he is so fascinating to watch and is a little monkey! He likes raspberries and climbing things – which sounds odd for a tortoise. I admit I was scared to hold him at first as I had never held one before, but he was light as a feather! He will grow a bit more, but still small enough to live in my sister’s bedroom and could live up to 50 years which is great! She is very happy and we all love him a lot.

Welcome to the family Norman!

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