Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Getting back to the gym

During lockdown I wanted to keep fit and healthy, so I tried to do lots of home workouts and runs.  However, after 4 months of this and a few running injuries I began to lose motivation and stopped doing it.  Lately, I have been feeling really sluggish and as if my day has no purpose, so this week I decided it was time to get back to the gym.


Although I enjoyed doing home workouts, there is something about the gym that gets me more motivated to work hard.  Maybe it’s because I am surrounded by people getting fit and healthy and it pushes me to do the same! That’s why instead of continuing with home workouts I wanted to go back to that surrounding as I knew it would push me.


My mum is a manager of a gym and so told me all about the safety measures in place such as boxes around workout areas to maintain the 2 metre distance, sanitising stations and extra spray/ blue roll to clean equipment before and after use. Although I knew what was there, I was still a little nervous as change can always be daunting.


Despite the clubroom looking emptier and the gym covered in stickers and markers as soon as I saw all the friendly staff and got started, I felt great! It was such a good feeling to get back into it and it was quite funny to see how much weaker I was having not done exercise in a while.


My favourite thing to train at the gym is legs and bum and although I do use the machines, I prefer to do most of this on a mat using a resistance band and my own bodyweight.


I also love to do HIIT workouts as they are more fun than cardio but still get my heart racing and work all areas of your body.  Over lockdown I discovered the Chloe Ting workouts and they are amazing!  I know she advertises these as a way to target specific areas or to shred, but I don’t do them for that reason and more just to keep active.  I like them as she shows an easier and harder way of doing each exercise so if I am feeling tired that day I can do the low impact one.


Now I am back at the gym and hoping to stick at it, one goal I want to set is to improve the strength in my arms.  I am not joking when I say I have no strength in this area…I can barely hold my own bodyweight up and struggle after two knee pushups! So, I will keep you updated on how this goes.... wish me luck! 

Due to being back at work full time and having other bits on during the week I have decided I am going to try and go to the gym 3 times a week.  I feel by doing this I won't get bored or too fed up of the gym as I would do if I went everyday. 


I hope you enjoyed this post, please like and comment if you did.  I would love to know what your favourite workouts are!

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