Hello! Welcome to my blog where I will be sharing my life as I find my way through my twenties including fashion, beauty and life

Birthday trip to Paris


On Friday 12th November, my boyfriend and I made the journey to Paris to celebrate my birthday. It was a jam packed weekend with lots of walking but it was one of the best birthdays ever! 

I had been to Disneyland Paris before but never been to Paris Paris as I kept calling it.  A few weeks before we were set to go, we both had a look at the different sites and attractions we wanted to see and booked them via get your guide.  Not only did this enable us to get good deals and packages, it was all done on the app so I didn’t have to carry around lots of paper. 

We also decided to get a travel debit card as a few people had told us they may not accept cash abroad. We decided to do this via Sainsbury’s as there was no additional charge and an app to track everything. We did take out a little bit of cash to use for tips, however, most places accepted cash anyway, so we didn’t necessarily need to get a travel card.  But I found using a travel card a lot easier than faffing about with cash and it meant I didn’t need a big purse being waved about every time we bought something. 

I always get anxious at airports and this wasn’t helped with the added worry of COVID documents and other forms that needed doing.  In hindsight, it was only really 3 forms and a day 2 test but if you are like me, you always worry there is more haha! But we got through and landed safely in Paris. 

Day 1 was a busy one!  We dropped our bags at the hotel and went straight to the Louvre. It is a huge building that takes your breath away before you even go in.  We were in there for a good 4 hours but it could have easily been longer if we hadn’t got hungry haha! There was a mix of statues, paintings and other items to see including the Mona Lisa which had a slight queue but it moved pretty fast. It sounds really odd but the ceilings were my favourite, they were so detailed and just beautiful! 

We then took a lovely walk along the river Saine where we caught a cruise to see the city all lit up at night.  It was gorgeous and I would definitely recommend doing it at this time! We got to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle, the Notre Dame, some gorgeous bridges and an amazing building that reminded us of Hogwarts! 

On day 2 we walked to see the Notre Dame which although was closed due to the restoration of it, was still one to see. There was lots of information around the outside explaining the history and how they were planning to restore the building. Around the corner was Saint Chappelle, a building which I had never heard of before but came across it on the Get Your Guide app when searching for the Notre Dame. I know I will probably say it about everything we saw but it was my favourite thing! As soon as we came up the stairs my breath was taken away and it felt like I was in the castle from Beauty and the Beast.  The colours and detail on the stained glass windows was incredible as they told the whole bible story.  

Day 3 was my birthday and after a yummy breakfast we made our way to the Eiffel Tower.  When booking, it was cheaper to take the stairs and so me being me, I thought yeah why not it won’t be that bad! Although the thought of climbing 674 steps does not sound fun, it was done in two parts as you got a break at the first floor. I also think this may have helped distract my boyfriend as he was too busy trying not to fall up the stairs to realise how high we were (he is terrified of heights and I wasn’t sure he would make it up there at first!).  Our tour guide was so lovely and we learnt so much about the creation of the tower, the history of it and how they are planning on getting it ready for the Olympics. We got very lucky with the weather and the views from the top were amazing and you really could see for miles! 

We then went to the catacombs which I didn’t really know much about but my boyfriend was very interested in seeing. It was essentially massive tunnels full of skeletons after their original cemetery went bad. I thought it was going to be scary at first but it surprisingly felt peaceful as if they were finally at rest there which was quite nice. If you are looking for something different to see I would definitely recommend! 

We spent the rest of our time there in lovely walks, shopping, eating and drinking cocktails - it was such a great trip and I would definitely recommend it for a cute weekend away!

It's Time for a Catch Up

Hello everyone!  Long time no blog...

Okay, i'm not sure what that intro was but it has been a fair while since my last post and I feel a bit rusty haha! Since restrictions in the UK have been lifting, we have been able to see more people and do more things and I have made the most of it! 

I forgot how busy life was before COVID and now things are opening, I feel like I don't want to turn anything down with the fear I will regret not doing it if anything like this were to happen again. So, I have said yes to pretty much everything and boy has it been busy which means I have not had time to sit down and really get into a blog post. This week I have had a rest week which has certainly done me good. I have been thinking more into the whole work, life, hobbies balance and decided to not take on too much at a time as it burns me out (as it did last week). I am going to try and get a new routine which allows me to do some things but also have me time and work on hobbies and projects too - i'll let you know how I get on in a future post.  But, for now I thought I would share with you some of the things I have been up to over the past 2 months as a kind of catch-up blog.  So, grab a cuppa, and a biscuit and get comfy! 

I would say it was May where things for me began to change and life got busy as we could meet up with family and friends and do more than just go for a walk.  On the first weekend of May, I met my parents and sister for a trip to our favourite zoo to celebrate my sisters birthday.  It was so lovely to be able to go out and celebrate somewhere, especially as on her last birthday we were only allowed out for a daily walk. Luckily it was a sunny day and all of the animals came out to say hello and if you ask me, I would say it seemed like they missed seeing people as they were all showing off and looking their best. It felt nice to be out again and as we were outside we did not have to wear our masks which at some parts did feel very strange as I felt very aware of people, space and how close people were to me when standing by the enclosures. But I think as we have been going out more and life returns to a some what normal I have become used to small crowds and people standing next to me. 

I have also enjoyed meeting up with friends and going out for dinner and drinks whilst sitting indoors at our favourite restaurants/bars and trying new places too!  It has been so lovely to get all dressed up and see each other for a good catch up and I can't to do it more. 

Another trip I have done for the first time in.... well I can't even remember, is to the cinema.  I went with my boyfriend and his family to watch a horror film (my first horror at the cinema) and i'm proud to say I didn't have my eyes closed and fingers in my ears for the whole thing haha!  Some things have changed about how everything works now with food orders done at the same touch screens you buy your tickets, masks worn until in your seats and of course social distancing.  But it felt good to be back and I really enjoyed it!

If you follow me on Instagram (@sweetpea97.blog), you will have seen that my boyfriend and I also took a little trip away to Bournemouth to see his sister.  It was so much fun, we got to go to the beach, shopping, bowling, an escape room and played mini golf (which I didn't loose at haha!).  It was a jam packed weekend but it was great fun and although a little grey it was very warm.  

I have also been working on some projects behind the scenes of my blog which I have loved! One of these is writing and recording a song with my sister.  If you follow me on Instagram you will have sen that over the past 2 months my sister and I have been writing and recording a song with Chart House which hopefully will be released soon- stay tuned!  It has been so much fun coming up with lyrics and a tune and getting to to it together has been amazing.  My sister has been singing and writing music with them for about a year now and when she asked me to do a song with her I couldn't wait (even though I was very nervous).  

Another project I have been working on is setting up my own business.  I know crazy right!  I still can't quite believe it either but I will soon be launching Sweetpea Designs - bespoke handmade table signage for weddings and events.  I have absolutely loved working on this especially working with the lovely Beth from @BeingBethDesigns who has been amazing at helping me with all of branding for my new business. So, keep your eyes peeled for the launch over on Etsy and Instagram. 

One of the best things I have done since restrictions have eased is go and visit family members indoors and give them a hug! It has been so strange only seeing people on a screen, from outside the windows or stood in the doorway that being able to go into the same room as them and hug them has felt amazing! We have all had such a laugh with shopping trips, cocktails and catching up on big announcements.  I wish each visit could have lasted longer but hey, it gives me something to look forward to. 

I have also been accepted to do an events internship which means a change in my career back into the events industry! I am really going to miss my friends at my current job and feel so grateful they took me in a year ago, after being made redundant as a result of the firs lockdown. But, I have really missed the event industry and can not wait to learn more and grow in my dream industry.  

So, I have had a pretty busy 2 months and I have loved every second of it!  We still have a way to go until all of this crazy is over, but I have had my first vaccine and I am ready for weddings, family gatherings and holidays when we can.  But for now I am going to enjoy every minute of the things we can do now and I hope you do too. 

April favourites

haven’t written a blog post in what feels like forever!  I have just been so busy this month as we are now allowed to go out more and actually see people, which has been lovely and I have really enjoyed.  But, I miss being creative and writing so I thought it was about time I get back to it.


I have always loved nosy blog and vlogs where people share what they are loving or doing as I always find these things so interesting to look back on and a good way to discover new products or places. So, I thought I would do a classic April favourites!

Food and Drink

  • Nomo Fruit & Crunch Choc Bar – This is going to sound dramatic but omg, this chocolate has changed my life!  If you have been keeping up with my Instagram, you will know I am now dairy free.  I have struggled with dairy for a while and have finally decided enough is enough and I need to stop eating it.  My first thought was what about chocolate (as I much prefer chocolate to sweets) and after trying a few different brands, I discovered this one which is also nut free!  I am honestly in love, the biscuit bits and raisins add more flavour and texture and it doesn’t give me a stomach ache after eating it.  My mum even found an easter egg in this flavour too which was AMAZING!


  • Water melon gin – I have always been a gin lover and this month I discovered this watermelon gin in Tesco which is only £ - BARGIN!  It is fresh and fruity which is perfect for this time of year.  I like to have mine with lemonade but, if you have tried this with Tonic water let me know if it’s any good.


  • Pimms – another classic cocktail and since we have been allowed to meet people outdoors, I have been loving having a pimms with strawberries and cucumber!  To me, this is another drink perfect for spring and is a nice easy cocktail to make at home.

Pamper and makeup

  • Too faced wash the day away – I have been using this for a little over a month now to take off my makeup and I can honestly say I am hooked!  It smells incredible and leave my face feeling clean and soft (although the ewater looks grim with all my makeup in it haha).  I also feel good when using this as I feel it is better for the environment rather than using wipes.  Although at first it may seem like a lot of money, you only need a small pea size blob to take the day off so it lasts AGES!


  • Blusher – I say this as a general term because I have been using a few different ones from NARS to Revolution, but I have been loving adding a bit of colour to my cheeks for spring and making my skin look more alive. 


  • White nail polish – I have always been a lover of white nail polish but I have found this month in particular is has been a subtle way to brighten my outfits without having a major colour clash.


  • Face masks – I have never really been a big user of face masks as I have always said I don’t have time.  But this month I have made the discovery of wearing a face mask whilst cracking on with other tasks.  I know this isn’t ideal for a chilled pamper session, but when I have stuff to do but still want to give my skin some tlc it’s perfect.  I have found sheet masks are easier if I am having a chilled pamper night as they tend to slip off, but I need to fold washing or something then a classic charcoal mask is great!


  • Bodysuits – I love spring, however I always find it so hard to choose what to wear as we are in that awkward is it hot or cold?  So, I have been loving bodysuits as they are a perfect layer with a cute cardigan or even under a jumper and if its hot remove the outer layer and you still have a cute top!  Another bonus (which is going to sound rather odd) is that I find with the fabric tighter around my body, it keeps me warmer. 


  • Cardigans – A spring essential for me is a cardigan!  It is such a cute layer that can keep you warm but can be left undone if too hot.  You can also get them is so many cute colours and thicknesses depending on how much you feel the cold.


  • French plaits – This has been my go to ‘updo’ style this month.  It is a perfect way to get your hair out of your face without giving you a headache and if left in over night gives you heat free beach waves – another cute look for spring!



  • Reading – I don’t do this often, but when I do I really get stuck in.  I have tried to read in the evenings before bed as a way to wind down and get of my screen after staring at a computer all day my phone in the evening.  Like I say I don’t get to do this often but when I do I feel so relaxed and wake up feeling great! Sometimes it’s nice to just dive into another world, especially during these crazy time haha! I would love to know what you are reading right now as looking for my next read so leave a comment with your suggestions. 

  • Running - I never thought I would be a runner, but here we are! I am actually training to take part in the Great South Run in October (more in a future blog post) but although running started out as a training thing, I have actually really enjoyed it.  Now that evenings are lighter and it is warmer it has been lovely to get some fresh air , especially after being stuck in the office all day and I feel amazing afterwards. 

  • Being outside - As spring and the sun has made an appearance I have loved being outdoors.  I don’t know what it is but the fresh air just makes me feel so relaxed and if the sun is out too, bonus! Now we are allowed to meet groups of 6 outdoors it has been so lovely to finally see family and friends for a good chin wag and a cocktail! 

  • The Queens Gambit - This is a series my mum actually found on Netflix about an orphan who becomes an amazing chess player! I don’t know what it was about the series but I was hooked and would definitely recommend. 

  • Stranger things - I have watch this since the beginning but with the idea that a new series may be coming out soon I have started to rewatch all the old series and again I’m hooked! Every episode is a cliff hanger and I want to know more.  I also love the fashion and bright colours! 

  • YouTube - i have really gotten back into YouTube and watching videos whilst doing my makeup or eating waffles on a chilled Sunday morning!  My current favourites are Charlotte Morrell ( I love her chatty videos and was inspired from her favourites videos to do this post!) and I am also loving Jess Sheppard’s styling videos - would recommend checking out both of these channels

  • Calming music - my anxiety and stress levels have been all over for quite a while now, so I have found my Spotify has been heavily dominated by calming music, especially to fall asleep to.  My go to is the Keystone Nature Sound Piano guys relaxing music with ocean waves.  The sound of the waves with the soft piano really help as I can close my eyes and pretend I am in a relaxing beach somewhere with no worries. 

So, that is some of my April favourites!  I would love to know what you have been loving this month and if you have tired any of the things I have mentioned in this post. 

Things they don't teach in school: how to save/manage money

I have always thought life in your 20s is a decade where you will see huge change as you enter the worlds of adulthood.  When I was younger, I imagined this time would be when you got your dream job, got a house, got married and so on.  But it turns out life is a bit more complicated and expensive then that!

Now I have finished uni and am in the “real” world, I have realised that all of the things may not happen straight away and that is okay! In fact this last year in particular I have found some of my priorities have changed and there are other things I want to do over the next decade.  Of course a lot of these goals are rather expensive, more expensive than I realised. 

The idea of seeing the world or buying a house or having a family seems so easy when you are a kid.  My sister and I would play pretend and buy a house for £100, hope on a plane to go on a family holiday with no idea how much it all cost.  Now I actually wanting to do these things myself, I can only dream that a nice house would cost £100 and you could just hop on a plane a go abroad haha! 

Money among many other adulting things isn’t really something that is taught about in school, it is something you either learn about from your parents or figure it out as you go.  So I wanted to star a little series and share some tips and advice on those things they don’t teach you about in school on my blog in the hope that it helps some of you as you enter the world of adulthood. 

This week, I thought I would share some tips on how to save money. 

I have always thought of myself as being quite good with money and knowing how much I can spend whilst being able to save too. When leaving home and heading to university, I learnt a lot of about money and the priorities of saving and spending as well as learning some tricks to help save. After taking out expenses of student accommodation, I didn’t have any student loan left for myself.  So I was extremely lucky and my parents would give me £30 a week.  At first you may read this and think that’s amazing, £30 to go out and have a good time! No.  This £30 had to pay for food, toiletries, cleaning products, using the washing machine/tumble dryer, nights out and any other things like new clothes etc.  So, I had to be very clever with my money in order to make this last. 

Here are my tips that not only helped me get through university, but life since leaving university: 

  • Be aware of your monthly or weekly income - knowing exactly how much you have coming into your account is a good start to saving money as you are aware of your incomings. 

  • Know your monthly or weekly bills -Things like rent, phone bills etc. all need to be taken into account so you know how much of your incomings you need to save to cover these costs. I would even recommend putting an alarm on your calendar to remind you of when this money is due to come out.

  • Have a savings account - This is so important as the money you put in here is harder to spend because you don't have a card for it.  You can take the idea of having a savings account that step further and set up a standing order where each week or month you put in a set amount of money.  By doing this, even if it is £5 a week, it will add up. I now have a help to buy ISA too so I can put away a set amount for a house and then use my savings account to save for things like holidays.

  • Are there any special occasions coming up - by looking at this you can decide how much you are going to put aside for this occasion when looking at your expenses for the week/month. Remember not only do you have to think about the gift, you also have to think about what you doing so are you going out for drinks or dinner, have you got an outfit, are you getting a taxi etc.  The more you can plan, the more you will know how much you’ll have left in your account. 

  • Think.  Do you really need it - We all like to treat ourself but it is so important to get into the habit of thinking do I REALLY need it and am I REALLY going to use it enough make up for spending.  This can be the case for so many things like clothes, gadgets even a car. You can also look at it with food and drinks.  Yes, I could buy a meal deal every day for work, or I could take in packed lunch and make my own hot beverage. This lockdown has also taught me to enjoy home cooked meals where you don't always need to go out for a date night, you can still cook a nice steak and save a few pound! 

  • Sell to spend - this is something I got into over the first lockdown.  I have always loved a good clear out even when I was little giving old toys to charity etc.  But last year I began to do a rule where if I sold an item of clothing I no longer wear I could use this money to treat myself to a new item.  Obviously I still stuck to the do I need it rule and if I didn’t the money I made from selling I put away in my savings. But this is a good habit to get into as it helps with money and storage! 

  • Look for the bargins - I don't know about you, but I love a good bargin and I try to shop in the sale or use a discount code/coupon where I can.  When it comes to buying food, not only should you look for the deals but the dates to find the products that will last the longest - I even lift up the palettes in Tesco as the later dates are often at the bottom! You could take this one step further and put the difference into you savings account, so if you buy some bread on sale for £1.50 when it should have been £2 you can put that 50p difference into your savings account.  I know this may not sound much, much every penny counts. 

  • Classic penny jar - I have always had a penny jar since I can remember and now my boyfriend and I have one where we put any loose change.  We have now decided to collect pound coins too as it is surprising how quickly it can all add up.  This money can then be used for holiday spending money or even a date night (obviously we would have to cash it in to the bank as it might look a little odd paying for dinner with a load of pennies haha!)

So, those are some of my top tips for how to save money.  I would love to know in the comments if you use any of these or if you have any other ways of saving money! 

How to style a leopard print midi skirt

For a while now I have seen girls on Pintrest and Instagram wearing midi skirts and looking amazing in them but I always thought I was too short for them. However, over the last 2 years I have begun to experiment more with my style and tried not to care what other people think.  If I am happy, feel comfortable and confident in what I am wearing then I’m going to do it!


So, last summer I bought a midi skirt and wore it to death and recently I found this gorgeous leopard print skirt from Nasty Gal and it is the prefect transition piece for spring as it can be styled so many ways.  So, this week I thought I would share with you some of the ways I will be styling this outfit.  If you would like to see these outfits in more detail, head on over to my Instagram @sweetpea97.blog where I made a reel showing each outfit.  


  • For this first look I paired the skirt with a black body suit form Zara, these black army style boots from New Look and a chunky black belt to add some definition to my waist.  This is such an easy look to create and is just an easy, comfortable wear.  Equally if it is chilly outside, you could add a black jumper or a leather jacket and tights.


  • The second look is for those slighty warmer days where you can swap the long sleeve tops for a short sleeve top.  As you can see I have paired the skirt with this black graphic tee from nasty gal which creates another classic and comfy look.  When it came to choosing a graphic t-shirt  I didn’t want to get one with too bold a picture on it as I didn’t want to distract from the leopard print pattern on the skirt. Similar to the first look, if it is chillier you can add tights and a leather jacket or a cardigan.


  • The third look is a lot brighter and is definatly more for the sunny spring days.  I have paired the skirt with a plain white tee, my nike airforce trainers and this cropped denim jacket I got years ago from New Look. Such a cute look for spring, it brings a whole different look for this skirt that is perfect for picnincs with the family or cocktails with the girls in a beer garden when allowed.


I can’t wait to wear these outfits out and about and will definatly be buying more midi skirts in the future!  I may even try a midi dress so watch this space for more style tips.


I would love to know which outfit is your favourite and how you like to style a midi skirt in the comments.  

Favourite home bits

 About 7 months ago, I moved in with my boyfriend and his family.  We are very lucky in that we have our own ‘mini house’ as his parents have given us the annex which over the summer was completely re-done with bathroom, bedroom, lounge and small walk-in wardrobe.

I haven’t spoken much about moving and bits as during these crazy times it has been a huge change and I wanted to get settled before sharing more.  However, I plan to write about this process in more detail soon. 

For now, I wanted to show you some of my favourite home bits we have gathered over the past few months.

1. Vase

The first item is this adorable vase from Next which my best friend bought me for my birthday.  I don’t know why but I feel this is an item you forget about buying for yourself when you get a new home, so is a perfect gift idea.  We both love penguins and he look super cute both filled with flowers and without, so I love him!  He is the perfect size and fits in so well with our colour scheme with his little yellow beak and feet.

2. Wax Burner 

I have always loved candles and how the scent can fill a room, so when I opened a wax burner for Christmas, I was very excited to try it.  Wow, they are amazing!  They last for ages and the smell really does take over the whole room. You can buy so many different scents in all sorts of adorable shapes and I love that there are so many small businesses you can support that make wax melts too so definitely going to try some of them. I love them so much I actually have one in the lounge and another in the bedroom!

3. Reed Defuser 

Sticking with theme of making your home smell nice, I thought I would share this.  Going from a bathroom I shared with my sister to going to a bathroom I share with a boy comes with… different smells we shall say haha!  I have always used the classic bathroom sprays or fabreeze however I find when mixing with other smells they just doesn’t work and often smells worse!  My boyfriend’s sister (who works with pure perfume - @diamondfragranceswithem) told me about a reed defuser she has in her bathroom and said it is just like a candle but you don’t have to worry about having a flame on in a room that isn’t constantly being watched. So, I decided to give it a go and bought one from her.  I went for the scent Channel CoCo and it is a true game changer!  The smell instantly filled the air with minutes of me setting it up and it takes over any other smells which is great.  I think it is also a nice decorative piece in your bathroom that looks really pretty with the reeds poking out.

3. Bathroom Shelves 

Our toilet is quite thin so I did a lot of research on bathroom storage for things like cleaning products, skin care, monthly products etc. I saw this idea on pintrest and thought it looked so cute as a feature wall.  We got these shelves from IKEA and I got the little baskets from home bargins which are perfect for neatly storing all the little bits and bobs and keeping it tidy.

3. Lounge area

Okay, I know this isn’t one item but I love several things in this area so thought I would share one picture and chat you through my favourite items:

  • Rug - Before having this, the room looks so plain and didn’t feel homey.  So, I knew I needed something to bring warmth and colour to the room. I saw this one in home bargins for about £40 and knew it was the one.  There were actually two options, pink or yellow but


  • Cushions – I have always said cushions are a great way to add subtle colour to a space.  When we were looking at colour scheme I wanted to add a brighter colour as majority of our furniture is grey or black. So, after finding the rug above, I knew yellow would be the pop of colour.  It took a while to find the right shade of yellow as I didn’t want it super bright and I didn’t want a dark mustard.  Eventually, I found these cushions in tesco and at £4 I couldn’t resist!

As with any new place, we are constantly adding bits or changing bits but I am so happy with the final look and will be sure to update you if I find any other great home bits!

Tips for working from home

For the past month I (along with many people in the country) have been working from home, which has been the first time doing work at home since studying at university!  At first I thought it was going to fine as I used to study/do homework after school and uni for years and was quite good at setting down and doing it.  But when I think of it, that was only for maybe 3 hours and now I am having to do full on 8 hour days 5 days a week at home, which is a bit different.  It took a while to find out what works best for me and getting into a routine.  So, since we are going to be working from for a few more weeks, I thought I would share with you my tips for how to work from home.  These can also be handy for students studying at home too! 

1) Have a set working space:  For me, this is so key to concentration.  When you think working from home, you think yes I don't have to get up and out of bed.  But, for me I found I just don't concentrate the same in bed and get distracted by how comfy it is and find myself more likely to nap haha! I prefer to create a space that really feels like work, so using a desk or table as I concentrate better.  If you can try and find a space that is separate from everyday life so it still feels as if you are 'going to work' even is it just on one side of the room or in a different room.  By doing this I find you can distance yourself and walk away from work when the day is over and give yourself the space away you need to relax in the evening. You may have seen on my Instagram, @sweetpea97.blog that I actually didn't have a desk for the first few days of working form home, so I set up the coffee table on the other side of the room instead haha! 

2) Get up and wake up: My working day starts at 7:30 so I would normally be up at 5:45, however working from home meant I could have a lyin!  For the first week I would get up at about 7:00 and sluggishly slump to my chair still in my pjs and begin working which was not good as I was still half asleep and concentration was not great.  After realising this was not working, I decided it was better to act as if this was a normal day and I would definitely recommend it!  I still have a bit of a lyin as I no longer have the 30 minute drive to work, so I wake up at 6:15 and head to the lounge where I can take my time eating my breakfast, watching the news, having a scroll and just waking myself up for the day.  It has really helped my concentration as I feel more awake and ready for the day. 

3) Get dressed: I don't know if I cam crazy as I thought I would love working in my pjs, but again I found creating an environment that was as much like work as possible was so much better for my mood.  I have found by doing my hair, makeup and actually putting on clothes make me feel more productive and ready to take on the day.  This doesn't mean you ave to out on a dress and heels, as there are so many cute lougewear outfits out there now, I simply mean get out of your pjs and dressing gown and hopefully you will feel much more motivated. 

4) Have a to do list: I love a good to do list because it sets out what I need to get done that day (so I don't forget!) and makes me feel good as I tick off each thing.  By writing everything out on paper and having it in front of you is like a brain dump and gets it all out of your head which for me, helps me concentrate and makes me feel less anxious as I can see what needs to be done. 

5) Have a good playlist: Working from home people think, yes I can watch the TV and catch up on netflix.  But this is a very bad idea as you will loose concentration and not get work done.  So, I suggest having a great playlist or podcast on to boost your mood or have the radio on so you still feel as though you are surrounded by people.  Or, face your back to the TV so you can still hear the noise in the background but aren't able to be glued to it (just don't put on something exciting that is likely to make you turn around haha). 

6) Plenty of tea and biscuits: The beauty of being at home is that you have all your home snacks right on hand as you need.  I love a good cuppa and biscuits to keep me fuelled and topped up throughout the day! 

I hope you found this helpful.  They may seem like such easy tips, but they really do work for me and I hope they work for you too! I would love to know in the comments if you have any tips on how to work from home!